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There is a perfect grip

There is a perfect address position

There is a perfect swing

Model your swing after your favorite pro

Model your swing after your instructor

Learn golf from books and magazines

Learn golf from the internet & YouTube videos

Diagnosing your own swing thoughts

Golf tips

More information leads to better golf

Specific body & club positions during the swing

The backswing

Don't sway on the backswing

Shift your weight to the right on the backswing

Keep your head down

Keep your eye on the ball

Keep your left arm straight

Swing from the inside/toward first base

Roll your wrists at impact

The role of the body in the golf swing

Faster body turn = more distance

Keep your arms tucked to your sides

Ball flight tells you what you did right/wrong


Fast club speed

Hitting it long

Hitting Fairways

Making Putts

Total distance for each club

Shoot a good score

Winning a tournament you expect to win

Shooting a low score in a casual round

Desert rule, gimmies and mulligans

Natural talent

Tournament golf

There is a perfect grip for you

There is a perfect address position for you

There is perfect swing for you

Swing based on your anatomy/biomechanics

Swing based on your anatomy/biomechanics

Learn golf from a proven professional

Learn golf from a proven professional 

Get help from a proven professional

Information that actually applies to you 

Think quality over quantity

Sequence of motions

The downswing/impact

Coil in place during the backswing

Create torque with your backswing

Maintain your spine angle

Follow the ball with your eyes

Keep your left arm soft

Swing down the target line

Square the clubface by rotating the forearms

The role of the arms in the golf swing

Faster arm swing = more distance

Let your arms swing freely

The ball flight lies


Hitting your shots in the center of the club face

Making putts

Hitting Greens

Chipping it close

Carry distance for each club

Low handicap

Winning a tournament that you worked for

Shooting a low score in a tournament

Real golf

Hard work

Spending a day on the golf course with friends

Maintain your spine angle

Follow the ball with your eyes

Keep your left arm soft

Swing down the target line

Coil in place on the backswing

Create torque with your backswing

The downswing/impact

Position of the club at impact

Letting your arms swing freely

The role of the arms in the golf swing

Faster arm swing = more distance

There is a perfect grip for you

All good golfers swing on their best swing plane

odel your swing after your favorite pro

Ball flight will tell you what do did wrong

Golf tips

Hitting it far

Winning a tournament you expected to win

The backswing

Shooting a low score during a casual round

Shooting a low score from the forward tees

Diagnosising your own swing faults

Golfing pals diagnosis your swing

The backswing

Desert rule

Gimmies and muligans

Roll your wrists at impact

Specific club positions

Specific body positions




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