I am passionate about the game; whether playing or coaching. This is not just what I do, it is who I am. Early in my career, I believed that being a great coach was mostly about my playing skills and knowledge of the golf swing. Boy was I wrong! Yes, those were important, but MORE IMPORTANT was how much I cared about my students and how successful I was at HELPING STUDENTS ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS! If you are serious about achieving your golf goals, contact me TODAY and lets get started.
Coach Mark Polich

"Hi Mark, it has been a while since our last lesson. I wanted to let you know that I played Del Urich yesterday and shot 74! Far and away my best score to par EVER! Thanks for all the great instruction. It's paying off big time as my ball striking and distance is significantly improved over last year at this time. THANKS AGAIN!"
Jeff Wesley, Tucson, Arizona

Mark Polich has been playing golf for over 50 years and coaching golf full time for over 20 years with proven success at both.

If you have lived in Tucson for a while, you know that summer has two seasons: really really hot and monsoons. Learning indoors in a climate controlled environment is not just different, IT IS MUCH MUCH BETTER.
Nearly all of the top golfers and instructors in the world learn with the TrackMan launch monitor. And now at Mark Polich Golf, Southern Arizona's exclusive indoor TrackMan 4 Launch Monitor Center, you can train like the pros train.